Land survey picture

Land Surveying & Site Engineering Services

At DPR Surveys we strive to provide our clients with highly accurate drawings & services, utilising top of the range surveying instruments and technology. We provide the following services: Topographical Surveys, Measured Building Surveys, Volumetric Surveys and Site Setting Out.

Topographical Surveys

Topographical surveys are detailed accurate plan drawings identifying all natural and man-made features within an area. The final drawing will show a detailed representation of the area and show all features such as buildings, boundary features, above ground service covers and site levels surveyed at a suitable interval. The drawings are then usually supplied in CAD / PDF format digitally however paper copies can be issued if needed.

Topographical surveys are typically used by architects, planners and engineers in the early design and planning stages. We offer topographical surveys for any size project from a single dwelling to large development areas.

Measured Building Surveys

Measured building surveys produce detailed accurate floor plans and elevation drawings of existing buildings and structures. Plans are created at a suitable scale to assist in conversion or renovation projects.

Volumetric Surveys

Volumetric surveys are carried out usually within the quarrying industry, 3D survey models are used to calculate volumes of material such as aggregate within a stockpile or the amount of material removed from a quarry between two surveys.

We utilise a survey processing / 3D modelling software called n4ce for all volumetric surveys. We can also use this same software for desktop studies to calculate cut & fill volumes for proposed earthworks.

Site Setting Out

Setting out is essentially the reverse of land surveying using the same technology we take design drawings supplied and mark out accurately on site the required features this therefore allows the construction to take place in the correct location.

This work can vary in size from a single dwelling requiring just one site visit to a large housing estate, commercial unit or new road construction needing multiple visits as the projects progress.

About DPR Surveys Ltd.

DPR Surveys Ltd is a Cambridgeshire based Land Surveying & Site Engineering company that offers a nationwide service. The company was set up in 2021 by David Rees.

David Rees has a BSc (Hons) degree in Surveying and Mapping Sciences, which he gained from the University of East London in 2006. In addition to this he has over 20 years of experience and knowledge from working within the industry.

Contact Form

07887 788 571

DPR Surveys Ltd. Registered in England & Wales No. 13501267. Registered Address 124 Wisbech Road, March, Cambridgeshire, PE15 8EU.